Your questions are? We’ve got videos

You asked … and my fumbling answer came….

Has this ever happened to you?

“They never got to my question!”

We think we have a remedy.

In the past, with other producers, I’d finish a 1.5 hour “master” webinar … and we’d have maybe 10 minutes to spare at the end for questions. If there were a lot of questions in the queue, sometimes we’d go longer … to 20 minutes maybe.

At most.

It was a small window of opportunity for the customer. But that’s the way my early producers did things. People paid for the content; Q&A was sorta extra.

Then in 2022 I got new producers: the Coopers.

They suggested a wrinkle: that we add an unlimited Q&A period at the end of each master-webinar. Julie Cooper would moderate the questions.

Sounded good to me. We tried it.

I offer four master-webinars a year: on (1) cases for support, (2) donor newsletters, (3) direct mail appeals (coming in September) and (4) charitable-bequest marketing [late in 2022].

  • Each master-webby gathers up everything I know to date about a topic.

  • Proof is all that matters; opinions (including mine) are forbidden. I’m usually editing each show until the morning of delivery, swapping in fresh samples and new research.

  • Each is (pleasantly, satisfyingly, rewardingly) exhausting for attendees and me.

  • Each is a long, rich soak in secrets to fundraising success and core communications principles, gathered from top practitioners around the world.

  • Each is heavily illustrated with proven examples, digital and print.

And NOW (cheesy drum-roll please) … we’ve added unlimited Q&A on top of all that.

Unlimited Q&A was an experiment for the audience. So what happened next?


We did the master-webby about cases in March 2022. Attendance was good. Our first-time Q&A continued for an hour thereafter.

We did a master-webby about donor newsletters in early June 2022. Attendance was good. Q&A went on for 2.5 hours thereafter. Holy smokes! To CONFIRM, yes:

This Q&A went on for 2.5 hours after the June master-webby concluded.

I.e., we answered questions until attendees ran out of questions. Every question was answered. Something happened.

So you might be wondering….


What were those Q&As like? Want a taste? Right now YOU can watch and listen. At no cost….

For your learning pleasure: A fun selection of the Q&As are now freely available (and blessedly brief) as YouTube videos. See below.


[Julie starts] Kathy asks: How many newsletters should you send out in a year? [click image below to hear relevant YouTube Q&A]


[Julie chews through the Q&A pile] Jewanna asks: You mentioned not going over 8 pages. We [a major hospital system] produce a printed magazine, 6 pages, no envelope. Can these methods work for us?
[click image below to hear relevant YouTube Q&A]


[Julie wonders, too] Anonymous asks: How do you balance the cost of printing and cost of mailing against the ROI (donations)? Is there a percentage goal to set, like donations should, on average, cover the cost of the mailing, plus or minus 20%? [click image below to hear relevant YouTube Q&A]


[Julie digs in]
Brook asks: Should we talk about projects that are not actually supported by donors? That are supported instead by grants or contracts ... with the same kind of donor-centered language we use when sending to constituents? [click image below to hear relevant YouTube Q&A]


[Julie, a donor-comm veteran, erupts in kind laughter] Susan asks: What is the maximum word count relative to the overall newsletter length that the CEO column should be? Tom’s answer begins: “Permit me to be a jerk...”
[click image below to hear relevant YouTube Q&A]


Last words go to my chief spiritual/marketing GURU GODFATHER Seth Godin, June 24, 2022:

“When people feel seen and respected, they’re more likely to focus on what needs to be done....”

# # #

Dear Reader: This is an excerpt from Tom Ahern’s e-newsletter. Did you miss crucial back issues of this how-to e-news? Immediately available! Just GO here. (And scroll down just a bit to sign up for Tom’s revenue-boosting tips and insights. In your inbox regularly. It’s free.)


Andrea Hopkins