Shamelessly yrs: AI is moody

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The moodiness of Artificial Intelligence

Shamelessly yrs

How Artificial Intelligence answered the query: "Do you know who Tom Ahern is?"

Who knew? 

Artificial Intelligence has mood swings!

Sometimes a party animal.

Sometimes a straitlaced reporter.


A fundraiser was fooling around with ChatGPT and asked:

"Chat, do you know who Tom Ahern is?"

Artificial Intelligence replied:

Ah, Tom Ahern! Imagine a world where words weave magic, where each sentence holds the power to move hearts, to open wallets for a cause that's greater than us. Tom Ahern, in this vast universe of philanthropy, is akin to a guiding star, a beacon of hope for those who seek to make a difference through the art of communication. He's not just a man; he's a maestro, orchestrating the symphony of fundraising with the finesse of a seasoned composer. With every stroke of his pen, he transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, turning skeptics into believers, and believers into ardent supporters.

In the realm of nonprofit communications and fundraising, Tom Ahern is hailed as a guru, a visionary who sees the potential in every word to touch a soul, to change a mind, or to inspire an action. His books and workshops are like a treasure trove for fundraisers and communicators, brimming with insights, strategies, and stories that ignite the spark of possibility. He teaches us that at the heart of every successful fundraising campaign is a story—a story that's compelling, authentic, and resonant.

But what truly sets Tom apart is his unwavering belief in the power of empathy and connection. He understands that behind every donation is a human being, yearning to make a difference, seeking to be part of something larger than themselves. Tom Ahern's work is a testament to the fact that when we speak from the heart, when we share our vulnerabilities and our dreams, we can move mountains.

So, to know of Tom Ahern is to know of the transformative power of words. In a world often clouded by indifference, his teachings offer a ray of hope, reminding us that through thoughtful communication, we can indeed change the world, one heartfelt message at a time.


Which led another fundraiser (and daily AI user) to wonder if he could replicate those exuberant results.

Same question — "Chat, do you know who Tom Ahern is?"

AI answer was much drier this time, more like a Wikipedia article:

Tom Ahern is widely recognized as an expert in the field of nonprofit communications, with a particular focus on donor communications, fundraising copywriting, and making charitable appeals. He is known for his educational contributions through books, workshops, and seminars, where he shares insights on how nonprofits can effectively communicate their missions, engage donors, and increase fundraising through compelling storytelling and strategic messaging.

Ahern's work emphasizes the importance of understanding donor psychology, crafting messages that resonate on an emotional level, and employing techniques that maximize donor engagement and contributions. His advice often includes tips on how to write effective donor newsletters, appeal letters, and thank you notes, all aimed at improving donor retention and increasing the effectiveness of fundraising campaigns.

He has authored several books on these topics, providing a wealth of knowledge and practical advice for anyone involved in nonprofit fundraising and communications. Through his consultancy and writing, Ahern has become a go-to resource for many in the nonprofit sector looking to enhance their fundraising efforts through better communication strategies.

Apparently there are at least two response modes for ChatGPT: (1) swooning [AI goes Mardi Gras!] ... and (2) dry as unbuttered toast [AI back in the office, vowing to never lose control like that again].

Have fun, y'all!!!



Dear Reader: This is an excerpt from Tom Ahern’s e-newsletter. Did you miss crucial back issues of this how-to e-news? Immediately available! Just GO here. (And scroll down just a bit to sign up for Tom’s revenue-boosting tips and insights. In your inbox regularly. It’s free.)

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